Marijan Gudelj

A simple guide on when to choose Laravel, Drupal or WordPress

What is better? Laravel, Drupal or WordPress?There is no “better”, because they are completely different ecosystems.Better question is what is more appropriate for yours specific use case?This guide is for both tech and non-tech people. Foreach (developer pun intended) ecosystem there are some benefits and downsides compared to the others on this list.Let’s get started. […]

Marijan Gudelj

Protection to your database (part 1)

We live in a world where everybody wants to get ritch fast. I don’t mind when there is hard work involved. But ransomware is often the case. First it was trojan viruses, then emails and last few years it is with the database. Now if you have your on server on Linode, Digitalocean or any […]

Marijan Gudelj

Developer “tools”

We have our basic tools: laptop or workstation; maybe an addtional mouse, keyboard and monitor;coffee or beer (or both). But what IDE, FTP client, OS.Here I am going to give my list of developer “tools” that I use on a daily basis IDE For an IDE I use Visual studio code (VSC). I know it […]

Marijan Gudelj

Laravel view helpers

So you are working on a really big project and you have a bunch of stuff that needs to be crunched in the blade template. But how to accomplish that? This is a fast tutorial just to give you some ideas. So as We all know Laravel likes to keep things clean. But you have […]

Marijan Gudelj

WordPress bottlenecks

Ok so you have been working for a long time on your WordPress website. And it started to slow down. Now what? So every now and then a WordPress website gets slown down. Especially if you have enabled the users registration, a lot of plugins, a webshop (WooCommerce).Don’t get me wrong WordPress is a great […]